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Wall Insulation Projects

Hilon Insulation has been trusted by several clients to be a supplier of wall sound insulation (wall insulation), room, building or building thereof. This is so that the room occupied is not disturbed by noise or sounds that can interfere with the activities being carried out. Below are some of our projects that have used Hilon on their walls.

Completed Wall Insulation Project

You can see the pictures below regarding various applications of wall insulation that have been completed. We have experts and professionals who can do the installation work neatly, quickly and safely. For more detailed information, you can see the pictures provided below.

Wall Insulation Application

Some of the above projects are where Hilon products are trusted as wall insulation for our clients. See also project roof insulation we. By using wall insulation in buildings and offices, it can reduce various noise or heat disturbances that can enter the room. Our products are made of materials that Environmentally friendly insulation so it is safe to use.